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There are many different styles of yoga: classes of various intensities and inspirations, various approaches to the culture and history of yoga, adapted to the singular needs (physical and emotional) of each person.

During my classes, you will find Yin, Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga (for everybody and every body) :)

Styles of Yoga



« Vinyasa » est un terme sanskrit signifiant « synchronisation du mouvement sur la respiration ». Les classes de Vinyasa s'articulent autour du souffle, qui initie et harmonise le mouvement dans le corps. Les enchaînements dynamiques sont la promesse de cours au rythme soutenu, créateurs d'énergie.


Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term meaning "synchronization of movement with the breath". Vinyasa classes are built around the breath, which initiates and harmonizes movement in the body. The dynamic sequences are the promise of fast-paced, energy-building classes.

Hatha flow

Hatha Flow is a combination of traditional Hatha Yoga combined with fluid movement that circulates energy. Simply put, Hatha Flow is the balance between Vinyasa and Hatha: softer than Vinyasa and more fluid than Hatha.

Yin yoga

Yin is based on long stretches (postures held between 3 and 8 minutes) combined with slow, deep breathing. It allows to solicit body and mind in perfect union. Here we work on the interior, the deep and connective tissues, our own sacred space, in order to release emotions, stress and tension. Learn to let go, to (re)find a state of calm and inner peace.

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